Site Launch

2023-03-06 00:00:00 +0000

This post marks the launch of my homepage. Of course, this site is based on an existing theme that was provided as open source software. My primary intention for this site has been to provide a page where I can display some basic information and provide some contact details, but since the infrastructure for blog posts is already in place, I decided to post this short background story. If you want to see the changes that I made to the theme code in order to create the pages you are looking at, you can have a look at the GitHub repository where it is hosted.

More about my work

Currently I provide freelance services with a broad experience as a software engineering generalist. I provide Tech Due Diligence, Engineering Management, and consultancy services to startups, scale-ups and established companies. If you could benefit from someone to support you in the tech space, whether strategically or very hands-on, then I am eager to talk! Don’t hesitate to contact me. If I can’t help you at this time or with your specific problem, I might be able to point you to a qualified professional in my network.


Upon request


Eindhoven, The Netherlands